Solar Panels are composed of solar cells connected through circuits storing and producing an electric current. When sunlight hits the solar panel, solar cells generate and circuits electric charge (free-electron; technically) and then convert it into DC (Direct current). The inverter converts this direct current into AC (Alternate Current) electricity utilized by most of the residential & businesses worldwide.
Polycrystalline Solar Panel is made up of multi-crystalline silicon which is generally 99.99% purest form of silicon. They have an efficiency range of 13%-17%. They are blue and are non-uniform in appearance
Multicrystalline solar cells are composed of fragments of silicon crystals that are melted together to form a mold and thereafter cut into arrays or wafers.
Monocrystalline Solar Panels is composed of pure silicon that is made up of a single crystal. The solar panels which consist of a single crystal are known as Monocrystalline Solar Panels. This type of solar panel is highly efficient and expensive because the high-grade silicon is used. It is black in color and efficiency ranges between 18%-24%.
There are various colors for the monocrystalline solar panel’s back sheet and frames such as black, silver, or white. Whereas the metal frames are typically black or silver. Monocrystalline Wafers (Array of the panel) are assembled in rows & columns to form a rectangle covered with a glass sheet and fixed together.
Extensively Diversified Products, Easily Transported (No commutable adherence), and High-Efficient Products
Satisfying your energy needs by regulating energy consumptions at the high-efficient module.
Delivers various kinds of suitable energy sources to provide a compatibility range of commercials, residential, and industrial spaces
Continuous advancement in nanotechnology & energy can double or even quadruple the input energy sources for future solar panels aspects.
Manufacturer Certified Guarantee of 25 years of usage of any solar products. Including regular check-ups, occasional authority visits.
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